I am still finishing up unpacking and trying to settle into civilian life because I decided to do my 6 years and get out of the military. My first day out the military and my first day of school it felt, well, weird. Because no longer did I have to report to anyone or ask for permission to really do anything I wanted, it was all on me. I'm still trying to get use to this newfound freedom I have to chase other endeavors and most importantly, spend time with my family. On my way out the door to handle clients for the evening, a thought came to me,"3 keys to changing your life". I felt that it is my duty to not only share this with you wonderful people but to break it down so that you can easily see why these 3 keys are important in everyone's life. Sooooo let's get started with the 1st key to changing your life!
1st Key to Changing Your Life:
The 1st key to changing your life is that you have to decide or make that choice that this is what you want! Nothing good can happen until you finally decide that enough is enough. My brother once told me something that removed fear out of my life for good and I feel privileged to pass along this word of advice so that it may help someone else, "God is happy to give you all these little things that you ask him for but he's jumping at the chance for you to ask him for something big so he can show you that he's a God of big things and not just small things!" When I was contemplating on rather or not I should stay in the military, these words played over and over again in my mind and it got to the point where it was hard to ignore. Naturally I got a lot of backlash for making that decision but I made that choice to move lean forward and do it! The point is this, you have to realize that the type of change you want in your life will not happen until youmake that choice.

Red pill or blue pill, what kind of life do you want?

2nd Key to Changing Your Life
Believe it or not fitness plays a key role in the uber successful lives. One of my favorite books "The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People" fitness played a major role in their daily lives. Fitness is not only used to get in shape (although it's a huge benefit!), it is used to help clear the mind and prepare you to for the day. Honestly, there is nothing that separates you from the successful. The only difference is that they stick to their regiment religiously. If you are going through something in your life like we all do, go to the gym. Lost your girlfriend/boyfriend? Go to the gym. Don't like something that people say about your body? Go to the gym! Wish you were more confident? GO TO THE GYM! You see how easy that is? Fitness helps solves all of life's problems! Trust me, I've been through enough to know! Did I mention I was in the military? Top 5 stressful jobs? I'm just saying. Fitness releases endorphins to make you feel good about yourself, it's a great stress reliever (better than ending up in jail cause you cracked, again, I'm just saying!), and of course we can't forget that it helps you live longer!

3rd Key to Changing Your Life
A question that I ask all of my potential clients is "What's your motivation"? Of course it's the usual "I want to lose weight" or "I want to get bigger," but these are just shallow answers. Why do you want to lose weight? What made you want finally want to lose weight right now? What is the real issue that made you want to get big? I have to ask these questions to find out the real reason as to why you want change for 1 reason, I want to work with people that is not only motivated but also sick and tired of where they are at in the fitness life. Whatever your motivation is you have to hold on to that and constantly remind yourself of YOUR BIGGER PICTURE! If your goal is to be one of the top professional bodybuilders of all time then you will find a way to go to your workout sessions and put in 100%. If your goal is to drop 15lbs so that you can look good in you're wedding dress then you will not have any excuses as to why you have to miss your workout session. With so many things happening in our everyday lives you have to figure out what's important to you and make time for it. I once told a client a few of my motivators:1.) I really, really, really despise the feeling of being weak (goes back to my childhood)2.) I have to practice what I preach to my clients. Nobody wants to be trained on how to get in shape by someone thats out of shape. Just walk into your local GNC and 8 times out of 10 you will see what I'm talking about lol.3.) If I miss a workout then I will die tonight!The last one is a bit overly dramatic but I have to look at my workouts as its the most important thing next to breathing. A technique I use to train my mind. Out of these 3 Keys I can only give you 2, the 1st one is up to you. Everything you need to change your life to be more successful with fitness, meal plans, online coaching or to even get a free workout with the best personal trainer ever (me), you can email me kratosfpg@gmail.com Do us a favor and share this blog with friends and family if you liked it!
If you been wanting to get in better shape but don't want to go to a big box gym or you feel uncomfortable in a big gym, check me out for a free week.